This thread is here for the people who wish to join but no recruiters are on FH at the moment. Staff will review your Roleplay samples and will let you know if you are able to join the rp or not!
lotus: Little unimportant thing: I put in some themes for the different clans just for fun, you dont have to use them or anything if you don't want to
Jun 8, 2017 17:50:49 GMT
Deleted: The map crashed my FH. I was also under the map. :/
Jul 19, 2017 2:26:59 GMT
ThexSilverxFox || FrostHeart: If youre ever under the map, swim till you get under the lake and youll pop out on top of the map.
Jul 19, 2017 4:08:15 GMT
Fallensong: I was gonna join WC in TG, but then TG killed me
Jul 21, 2017 20:32:09 GMT
lotus: For anyone that isn't in our Discord server, we've moved sites!
Jul 27, 2017 1:20:25 GMT